quick minimalist workouts
*Assessment Week into an 6 week cycle + 1 week repeat of this week to re-assess.
A. Glute Bridge
ALAP set; rest 60sec x 2
*Score each set separately
@2010; AMRAP set; rest 2min x 3
*Score each AMRAP set
**Can modify to Extended Plank Push Ups
C. Side Plank
ALAP set/side; rest 60sec btw sides x 2
*Score time/side
**Can modify to Side Plank from Knees,
Forearm Side Plank if Side Plank is < 30sec
D. Run
For Time; 5k
*Score total time
**Run on track or pre-map your course with:
add muscle, build strength, feel energized
A. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press:
5-5-5 linear
3-3 linear
rest 2 min
- 8-9.5 RPE.
(5 sets)
B1. Wide Bent Over Cable Row
5-7 reps; rest 60 sec btw legs x 3
- 7-8 RPE.
B2. Cable Pull Throughs
20 reps
rest 2 min
- 7-8 RPE.
C. Seated Single Leg Leg Extension:
8-10 reps/leg; rest 60 sec btw legs x3
-6-8 RPE.
D. Straight Arm Side Plank
20-40 sec/side; rest as needed x3
evidence-based, high-intensity functional fitness
12 Sets-
Every 2 min
Set 1: 2-3 Bench Press
Set 2: 3-5 Back Squat
Set 3: 5-7 Hang Power Clean
* 3 Barbells. All building tough for 4 sets each.
FT @ HARD Effort
Deadlift- 155/225#
BJO, sd- 20/24"
- 12 min cap
Not sure what a specific exercise is?
Questions? Scores?
** Put them in the comments below **