quick minimalist workouts
Skill Practice
Single Leg Balancing
*Practice doing differnt things (pistols, stand splits, half moon, etc) while balancing on one leg
12 min EMOM
min 1: 45 sec air squats
min 2: 30 sec push ups, chest to yoga block or something similar
min 3: 45 sec 1 and a Quarter Air Squats
min 4: 30 sec push ups, chest floor to 90*
12 min EMOM
min 1: 30 sec bench dips
min 2: 30 sec SL Wall Sit Hold, right
min 3: 30 sec BW Skull Crushers
min 4: 30 sec SL Wall Sit Hold, left
add muscle, build strength, feel energized
A. Back Squat:
5-5-5-5-5 reps
rest 2 min
(5 sets)
- 8-9.5 RPE.
B. KB Z-Press:
6-8 reps
rest 60 sec
- 6-8 RPE.
C1. Narrow Grip Supinated Lat Pull Down
20 reps
rest 2 min
- 7-9.5 RPE.
C2. Seated Hamstring Curls:
20 reps
rest 2 min
- 6-8 RPE.
x2 sets for C.
D. 2 Sets
30 sec Forearm Plank
10 alt lateral hip touches, from forearms
20 sec Straight Arm Plank
6 alt lateral hip touches, from straight arms
rest was needed
evidence-based, high-intensity functional fitness
Skill Practice: Jump Rope (singles, cross-overs, DU, triples)
5 Sets @ Increasing Effort:
30 cal Row
25 wall balls- 14/20# to 10'
20 C2B
rest 2 min
*Increasing 80,85,90,95,100% per set.
rest 5 min after 5th set
1 Clean + 2 Hang Cleans + 3 S2OH
Build to a max complex within 10 minutes
Not sure what a specific exercise is?
Questions? Scores?
** Put them in the comments below **
Grinding on the build program today. Half way through and feeling good