quick minimalist workouts
Week 4 of 6
@slow temp; 30sec; rest 30sec x 3
5/side Side Plank Rotations
x 2-3
Glute Bridge Hold: Accum 60sec
@3013; max repeatable reps; rest 90sec x 4
B. 16min EMOM
min 1: 20sec Dolphin Push Ups
min 2: 20sec Dolphin Push Thru's
min 3: 20sec Dolphin to Plank
min 4: 20sec Dolphin to Chat. to Dolphin
*Goal is the same reps/set for each movement
*If modifying:
Perform Max Repeatable Reps with last week's harder variation
@3010; rest 90sec x 4
C. 3 Sets:
7 Side Plank Raises, right
12sec Side Plank HOLD, right
7 Side Plank Raises, left
12sec Side Plank HOLD, left
@20,24" w/ weighted backpack: 9min AMRAP; rest 4.5 min x 2
add muscle, build strength, feel energized
Week 1 of 8
A) Side Ab Throw: 10 reps x2
B) Push Press: 6 reps; rest 3-4min x3
*Last set should should feel like an 6 RM. We will retest this on week 8.
C) Barbell Bicep Curl: 12 reps; rest 3-4min x3
*Last set should should feel like an 12 RM. We will retest this on week 8.
D) Barbell Calf Raises: 20 reps x1
E) Weighted Ab Crunch: 20 reps x1
F) Cardio:
10min Bike, Row, Jog
- starting at moderate effort and decreasing effort every 2 min, finishing at an easy spin.
evidence-based, high-intensity functional fitness
A. Hang Power Snatch
1 rep every 90 sec x 6 sets
B. Push Press
3 reps; rest 2-3 min x 3 sets
3 min AB
rest 3 min
3 min Row
rest 3 min
Not sure what a specific exercise is?
Questions? Scores?
** Put them in the comments below **